
  • Awareness: Increase the awareness of the roles genetic counselors play in research and healthcare across the Broad community.
  • Integration: Identify new and existing opportunities for genetic counselors to advance Broad initiatives, and assist leadership in developing formal roles for genetic counselors at the Broad.
  • Education: Expand the knowledge of genetic counselors through round table discussions with Broad researchers and PIs. These round tables are often focused on the impact to patient care.
  • Advancement: Work with leadership to provide opportunities for professional development and career growth for genetic counselors at the Broad.
  • Networking: Provide networking opportunities for Broad Genetic Counselors who many not interact on a regular basis with either each other or the larger Broad community.


If you have any questions or are interested in learning more about what we do please email us at geneticcounselors@broadinstitute.org.

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Genetic Counselors@Broad logo, which is a pedigree in Broad colors

Genetic Counselors@Broad