The Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) supports and advances the Broad’s mission by serving as the subject-matter expert in research administration and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

OSR has responsibility for sponsored programs across the entire lifecycle of an award. These responsibilities are broadly encompassed into a number of areas including pre-award (proposal development and submission), post-award (overseeing the financial management of the project once it is awarded), regulatory oversight (providing compliance and policy guidance), and closeout (closing out the award once it is finalized). 

We can help you:

  • Develop and submit funding proposals, understand the terms of your award, and complete the closeout process.
  • Manage your research funds and provide institutional guidance throughout the lifecycle of an award.



Grace Cashman
Sr. Director, Office of Sponsored Research

Kate Greeke
Director, Research Finance

Ashlin Bolton
Director, Pre-Award, Research Administration

Marcy Belliveau
Director, Research Administration

Alyssa Balboni
Associate Director, Data Integrity and Operations



Please use to contact a member of our office, and your email will be directed to the appropriate person.

To send an award notice:

If you are a subcontractor and need to send an invoice:

If you need to invoice for a billing agreement: